Monday, March 25, 2013

Skiing day

I guess it is more like skiing afternoon..but I'll stick to the skiing day...Since those skiing days does not happen often, to be exact - once a year...Last year was with Tamara..this year..just alone :)

Kids were spending time with grandparents visiting Heiðmörk (an Icelandic forest), hubby, I got the time to be all by myself and was suggested to go skiing...

Weather was nice, not too much wind and the ski resort was open. So, Bláfjöll, here I come!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Eldar Leo almost 22 months old...

So...just some words on Eldar Leo's development since would be interesting to read and remember when he is Tamara's age...

He is still not speaking much...Just very basic words...yes, no, fell, mama, papa...He can make sounds of the car - very well! Dogs adn cats as well...But it is easy to understand him if there is something that he wants or does not like:).

He is still at "day nanny" from 8 am to 4 pm. We have received the letter that he will be admitted to kindergarten in the August of 2013. Not a very happy news...Wanted to get him in now...Since he is very bored at day nanny's place.

Almost Spring 2013

So..Christmas is over...New Year celebration has finished...Bondadagur and Konudagur are over too...Time flies these days...

But 8th of March is still yet to come in a little over than a I am planning to take Mom to a nice dinner at the restaurant in downtown Reykjavik.

We also had a nice women's retreat with colleagues from my work for two days in a summer house :). It was great! Nice food, nice chatting and relaxing...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Middle of December and other things...

So, Christmas is only 10 days away....scary! least, I have already bought most of the presents, have sent the Christmas cards abroad, got news dresses for Tamara and myself for Christmas, main dish for Christmas Eve is taken care of the important staff is finished...

But if you think of that, actually all those things are a part of the Christmas - buying and packing the gifts, making lists, cleaning the house, planning the dinner, so...the only way to get through all of it is just to embrace it and enjoy it!

Anyways....Tamara Lind lost her second tooth yesterday. So, she told us that the day/night will be the happiest for her since she would get a visit from the tooth fairy and also from one of the Icelandic yule lads :) Fun fun...Though, sometimes, I get sooo frustrated with how much she is concentrated on the things that she wants to get, what she has and what she does not have....well...what can we do? This is the era of consumerism...I was probably behaving the same way when I was little...

Tomorrow is the New Year celebration for kids at the Russian Embassy, so will be some gathering. Then, for Icelandic Christmas celebration, there was something organized at Flensborg school but Tamara refused to go there with her granny. She only wants to go with her Dad to his work for annual Christmas celebration there.....

So, Mom and Oli finally made it safely to the other part of the world, Australia.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Eldar Leo 18 months old / Eldar Leó at a glance...

So, wanted to write about Eldar for a while now...finally got the laziness away from my body and got down to it!

So, here he is, our cute Eldar Leo at a glance together with his Daddy:

So, the boy is 18 months old, well almost 19 months after 10 days :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tamara Lind at a glance

So...since I am not updating Tamara's journal on her growth, etc...then better to add something here so it would be fun to read after 5 years time :)

Here is the picture of Tamara that I took today, on November 6th before going to kindergarten:

Tamara was putting away this Lotta toy - some kindergarten game they have - each of the kid can get this Lotta (a rabbit toy) to take home for one night - and spend time playing, dressing, or whatever they want ..and there is also a notebook where a parent writes on what happened during the day and the child paints, puts stickers...or something else....Lotta has some clothes and also a sleeping bag. We have also given her a cute hat!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Time flies

Wow...time flies indeed...
Last time I have posted at entry on August 10th..and now October is almost over and Christmas is near!

So..what has been happening during these times?

I have pictures from our vacation on my desktop computer at work  - picture gadget - so it is nice to look at them occasionally during these rainy days of Autumn or even nice sunny days of Autumn...

Though we have not had snow yet in my search for perfect winter tires continues...