Friday, October 26, 2012

Time flies

Wow...time flies indeed...
Last time I have posted at entry on August 10th..and now October is almost over and Christmas is near!

So..what has been happening during these times?

I have pictures from our vacation on my desktop computer at work  - picture gadget - so it is nice to look at them occasionally during these rainy days of Autumn or even nice sunny days of Autumn...

Though we have not had snow yet in my search for perfect winter tires continues...

Anyways...Tamara Lind did not want to go to dance school so we took her to swimming lessons and it has been going well...She enjoys it and it is the most important thing and who cares if the mother wants her to dance or play piano...:)

I do hope that we can put her in preparation piano classes next Autumn.

Raggi and I went to Brighton in the UK for a long weekend on October 5th. Mom and Oli were baby-sitting....It was great to have  mini-vacation! Weather was nice, partying was great and the company pleasable....

So...what else:
Tamara is growing...will be going to school next year...Her habits are changing and her temper can be difficult to deal with at times...

Lately she has started to come to our bedroom at early mornings and sleeping with us...annoying! And plus, Eldar has been waking up at mights and crying!, the amount of sleep that we are getting lately is not sufficient...
Other than that things been Ok...Eldar and Tamara slowly start playing together...though sometimes it is more like Tamara annoying Eldar, he screams, she screams and it goes on and on...

Kids - just fun!

Some photos from Brighton and of kiddos...

Did not drink coffee there but was fun to take a picture :)

They have lots of those little narrow passages to go in between streets...cute!

 Nice shopping there!

A quick lunch in Jamie's Oliver Italian...Nice!

A seafood strarter....
Eldar LeĆ³ 1 year old and almost 6 months...

Tamara Lind February 2012
 Climbing...not too high... September 2012

February 2012

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