Friday, November 30, 2012

Eldar Leo 18 months old / Eldar Leó at a glance...

So, wanted to write about Eldar for a while now...finally got the laziness away from my body and got down to it!

So, here he is, our cute Eldar Leo at a glance together with his Daddy:

So, the boy is 18 months old, well almost 19 months after 10 days :)

He is currently about 83 cm and 11-12 kg. Just following his growth chart well :). At the moment, he only says words like Mom, Dad - and "datt" which means "fell down" - in relations to the toys that he keeps throwing on the floor :). I was checking in Tamara Lind's journal on what words she was saying at this age - she was very similar, but was saying more words though :)

But on the other hand - he is quite independent when he is eating - holding the spoon himself very well, not so picky about the food, eats pretty much everything. I still though do give him the baby food, sometimes I mix it with something that I cook for him and then blend it together.

Since we are all eating together in the morning, he always wants to eat what Tamara eats, so he already had a chance to try Weetos - the chocolate Cheerios and like it a lot! Then some chocolate kex, etc.

He is still at Dagmama - we are awaiting for the place at Tamara's kindergarten. He is the oldest kid at Dagmama and of course he might be a little bit bored there...We are hoping to get a place soon! We are wishing for it!!!

Sleeping habits - he is sleeping in a baby cot still that was so nicely landed to us by my friend Natalya. We put him to sleep at 20.00-20.30 and usually it takes about 20 minutes for him to fall asleep. He sleeps through the night most of the time and waked up at 06.00-06.30. But sometimes something bothers him and he might wake up at night and cry hysterically, which just happened last night....Took us almost an hour to put him back to sleep ...

Eldar can be stubborn but what I like is that if he understands that he is not going to get it, then he switches his attention on something else...At least this is how he is behaving with me.

In early December we will go to a professional photo shoot with the whole family so I hope to get some good shots soon :)

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