Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tamara Lind at a glance

So...since I am not updating Tamara's journal on her growth, etc...then better to add something here so it would be fun to read after 5 years time :)

Here is the picture of Tamara that I took today, on November 6th before going to kindergarten:

Tamara was putting away this Lotta toy - some kindergarten game they have - each of the kid can get this Lotta (a rabbit toy) to take home for one night - and spend time playing, dressing, or whatever they want ..and there is also a notebook where a parent writes on what happened during the day and the child paints, puts stickers...or something else....Lotta has some clothes and also a sleeping bag. We have also given her a cute hat!

Every child is very excited and honored to get this Lotta for one night and the way it is done - by dragging the name every day..so all pure luck...

So, it is the second time Tamara got Lotta and she was very happy! I was very happy too since having Lotta helped Tamara behaved at least for one day :) I was saying that if she would not listen to me or do what I asked that I would write in the Lotta's diary - how Tamara was not dressing herself or not brushing her teeth or not listening to her Mom...A tricky mother I am!

Here is Tamara after finishing her breakfast with Lotta in her hands:

Tamara's nose was a little bit red since she was crying and being naughty (softly said) - she did not want to eat plain Cheerios - only with some cocoa powder in it...So I tricked her into eating Cheerios by adding some honey into it and then I would give her two candies - bad....But what can you do when every minute in the morning is so precious and valuable!

Here is Tamara with Lotta in the swimming pool at her swimming sessions:

Tamara is taking "sund" - swimming pool - learning how to swim - there are about 8 kids and one young girl (about 18-20 years old) teaching them some techniques....Do I need to say that the instructor is not being very strict and kids sometimes do whatever they want?

Well..I guess as long as Tamara is enjoying it, then I should be happy! I wanted to put her in dance school in the Fall but she was completely against it....I do hope to put her int he music school next year...She has a perfect pitch...

So, this is Tamara's last year at kindergargen - she is 5 years old now. In kindergardens here in Iceland kids are not taught how to read or write. School does it :)  Maybe it is better this way who knows ....

  • At kindergarden Tamara is supposed to dress herself, collect toys, be a helper during the meal times, etc. At home - it is of course a different story.
  • Sometimes I  have to help her to dress, to choose the clothes. Sometimes she dresses herself and chooses the clothes herself....
  • Brushing her teeth - mostly we do it all the time. Putting her to sleep - we always read to her - takes about now 20-30 minutes to put her to sleep...
  • Often we have to argue about doing things - collecting toys, dressing, eating healthy foods, not screaming, not hitting Eldar, sharing toys with Eldar, etc.
  • She wants to have a playmate almost everyday now after she comes home from kindergarten....Can be frustrating at times. She used to play by herself so well when she was little..I guess those are the social skills that she is obtaining now...
  • She does not like eating potatoes and rice! No salad either...But loves chocolate, sweets and ice-creams...

Tamara is learning Russian - going to the Russian school at Moðurmal assosiation( www.modurmal.com). Tamara and I only speak Russian at all times and all places. So, she speaks Russian all right, with slight accent. I think it it is going well and I am very proud of it.

 She is very bright and smart, very attentive and starts to ask lots of questions on what she sees, what we read to her, etc. On the other hand, her favorite activity of all times is the play.

With granny Gréta

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