Monday, March 25, 2013

Skiing day

I guess it is more like skiing afternoon..but I'll stick to the skiing day...Since those skiing days does not happen often, to be exact - once a year...Last year was with Tamara..this year..just alone :)

Kids were spending time with grandparents visiting Heiðmörk (an Icelandic forest), hubby, I got the time to be all by myself and was suggested to go skiing...

Weather was nice, not too much wind and the ski resort was open. So, Bláfjöll, here I come!

It only took 25 minutes to get to the mountain, but longer time of course to rent skies, put on boots and buy skiing pass...
Rent of skies and palls cost 3.750 ISK, about 23 Euros, ski pass for 2 hours - 12 euros...

So, we go:

So, putting ski boots on was just half of a challenge..the other half was finding the slope to ski...

There were no so many possibilities..the map can be found here. Of course, everything is in Icelandic, but luckily colors can be translated... :)

So...after some probing, walking on skies and taking them off and on again...found a decent slope...

Here are some photos:

That was the first slope that I tested three times...Snow was all right, not too much snow...Slope was kind of short....

Here is another one, more enjoyable:

Different angles...

Sun is shining..but not on the slope :)

Well...all I can say, it was a great afternoon of skiing...

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