Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Another week


Fall is here in Iceland, in our little country in the middle of the Atlantic...

And with fall, come all the beautiful colours. Here is the picture from a local newspaper....

Also...with fall comes the thought of Christmas - it will be arriving soon..And we all are looking forward to it...Our daughter will be already 6 months by then...

This weekend we will have a christening ceremony for her. Here are some info regarding this tradition in Iceland:

Here in Iceland they do not have baby showers where parents/mother are showered with gifts...but they have a Christening. Sometimes it is done in the church, sometimes right at the hospital - and the baby is given the name. Before that, the name should not be revealed. So, on this Christening ceremony - at the reception afterwards everybody usually brings the gifts.

Then, at the age of 14, the child - or better to say a teenager, can decide himself to have a confirmation of faith or not...That is mostly just another big celebration for your child - getting into another phase and opportunity to get more real gifts - something like computers, laptops, furniture, some other cool gadgets, and some money as well...But we are not at that stage yet...
So, I am looking forward to this weekend, ordering the special cake for our girl, and other things...
I have also updated Tamara Lind's home page..so, start to expore it!


Rachel said...

I am confused about the name part of christening. I thought her name is Tamara Lind. Is there another name? Will she be getting lots of baby presents(toys, clothes etc.)?

Unknown said...

Sorry to bring some confusion...We could not wait too long not to tell the name, so we did tell people her name already...But it does not make a big difference I guess for her christening..And yes, I hope for some toys and clothes and some cross and necklace for her :)