Thursday, October 18, 2007

My favorite game

So, lately I have been hooked on that online game that I discovered with the help of Raggi's son....Teenagers these days, know everything...

So, the game is a puzzle..very simple...But so far, I have been able to progress two first easy levels..And I am stuck on level "normal"...I got down to 26 figures...if someone overrides that - my respect...

I even got my Mom and her husband hooked on that game... It takes your mind off and trains your visiual memory as well.

So, here is the link to my favorite game
Another favorite activity - figure skating. We went last weekend. Raggi's work offered its employees to come and have fun, so we came too. Here is the video of my skating. Raggi took it while taking care of the girl. We skated in turns.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I remember ice skating with you at Potters Marsh. Remember that old french guy who saw us skating and asked us if we wanted to lunch with him down at the Prince Hotel. Oh la la. I don't think he had only lunch in mind..ha ha
By the way you little baby is so pretty. She is just getting to that really fun stage. I love 4,5,and 6 months old.