Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Baptizing ceremony

So, it is official...Our girl has been christened this last Sunday.

We were so lucky with the weather, it was very beautiful...Sunny and warm...Which is rather unusual for Iceland :)

Girl behaved very well, did not cry at all...Was smiling and observing everything.
So, here we all are - Raggi, myself and the priest..(not sure how they are called in the Lutheran church).

Reception afterwards went well too. Lots of cakes, presents and smiles...Everyone was happy. We have ordered a special cake for the celebration, with our daughter's name on it.

So, now we can relax til Christmas for the special gatherings and other similar activities...

1 comment:

daughterofGod said...

We are so happy for you-you look wonderful and happy! What a special day for a child but even more for the parents and grandparents! Commitment to serving God is a huge commitment. We love you-wish we could hold her!