Friday, September 21, 2007

Birthday Celebration

So, the big B-day is over...Now I can relax and wait until next year. It was nice, small and with a very nice cake that my Mom baked.

Our American friend Matthew was also invited since his birthday is surprisingly on the same date and the year as mine...only three people so far I know that have this date as a birthday.

I was not expecting so many flowers but I got four bouquets. Wonderful. So, they are all so beautiful that I decided to take pictures and let the world see.

Those are different types - some look more summery, others more like a fall...But all of them are pretty.

1 comment:

daughterofGod said...

Happy birthday late Marina! Today was my birthday and I got ......... a cabin in the woods of Alaska! The realtor just called to say the sellers accepted our bid. Maybe you should come back for a visit with baby.