Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Eldar Leo almost 22 months old...

So...just some words on Eldar Leo's development since would be interesting to read and remember when he is Tamara's age...

He is still not speaking much...Just very basic words...yes, no, fell, mama, papa...He can make sounds of the car - very well! Dogs adn cats as well...But it is easy to understand him if there is something that he wants or does not like:).

He is still at "day nanny" from 8 am to 4 pm. We have received the letter that he will be admitted to kindergarten in the August of 2013. Not a very happy news...Wanted to get him in now...Since he is very bored at day nanny's place.

He is still using diapers...I am not in a we are taking it slow. He still sleeps in a crib bed...We are planning to move him in May/June. For now we give him milk before he goes to sleep...then sing a song or two and stay in the room with him.  Usually it is easier to put him to sleep than Tamara....

His eating habits are still not well established :). I still give him baby food...Somtimes he eats sausages and pasta...The most favorite with all kids....

Here is the photo of him at the nanny's place - he is almost putting on boots by himself! Quite a progress!

Snow in our garden - for a very short time!

1 comment:

Yury said...

never knew you got blue snow in Iceland :)