Monday, January 26, 2009

Last week of January

So, the New Year has arrived, was a great celebration.

Now, the month of January is almost over. Time goes fast. Financial crisis is still on in Iceland, people are protesting and I hope it brings some change to the politics of Iceland.
We are doing fine, girl is growing, learning some new words. We have got her a new bed that will last her for at least 5 year, I hope and she has been sleeping there for two nights. Well, she does not sleep in her new bed through the whole night yet, but we hope soon she will :)
Yesterday we had a visit form Raggi's aunt and his brother. It happened that Raggi and his brother Ingvar were wearing the sweaters that their Mom got them, so they almost looked like twins :)

Here is the photo of them:

Int he background, there is a painting by my Mom.
And here is a fresh picture of Tamara Lind, Jon Aron, her older brother put her in his sweatshirt, and she enjoyed it a lot:

1 comment:

Yuri Suturin said...

Super picture, sis! Thanks for comments. I do not know how I manage that. Guess just self discipline and preparation, prioritizing and so on : )