Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmases are over for some time :)

So....the new year has started, the Russian Christmas is over. We can embrace the New Year with all of our open hearts.

It was a great time, lots of good food, relaxation time and singing in the Russian church as well. I want to say thank you to all of my friends who are so nice and always send us their greetings and nice Christmas cards.
A Serbian bishop who resides in Stockholm, came to present a special service on the 6th of January, at 19.00, so we took Tamara Lind to church with us since kids were supposed to get some presents...I was a little bit worried about her behaviour but it turned out - I was worried for nothing. She behaved so well...quite a nice surprise to her parents. She even was singing a little bit when our choir was performing. I was holding her and I admit, was a little bit difficult to hold her and to sing, but I managed...So, it was great.

Here I have some photos from the Christmas celebration at my Mom's house. Here is Raggi and Tamara Lind, then myself and her again :)

Then, a picture of a sweet couple, who got engaged over Christmas time.

And that was Tamara trying to play the Russian dudochka :)


Rachel said...

your are getting married??!!!! yipee I am so happy for you. When is the wedding? glad you had a nice Christmas. Thanks for the Christmas card.

Yuri Suturin said...

Really? I bought this dudochka at Novosibirsk on the street. Glad somebody found a use for it :)))
So, when is the wedding?