Saturday, January 31, 2009

Last day of January

So, we have snow..lots of snow. It is snowing right now. But it is fun for kids, all ages...So, yesterday in spite of my sore throat and headache, I went outside with our girl and enjoyed some vitamin D, that does not come often during winter time in Iceland. She enojyed it as well, she was riding in a snow sledge that we got from Raggi's parents. She was singing and quite happy.

Then we went to some playground and I took some pictures.

Here you can see a little bit of the city of Kopavogur, the Tower, some other buildings.
And here is a short video of her palying in the snow.


Anonymous said...

Halló Marina
Gaman að skoða myndirnar af frænku minni .
Var svo gaman að hitta ykkur þó stutt væri!
Mér finnst þessar heimasíður ykkar alveg frábærar ,þá er aðeins hægt að fylgjast med ykkur. Sérlega gaman að videoinu !
Kveðja Anna frænka i DK.

Rachel said...

fun pics of the snow. she is getting big and I am sure she keeps you busy. enjoy the moments like you are, they fly by so fast.