Saturday, January 31, 2009

Last day of January

So, we have snow..lots of snow. It is snowing right now. But it is fun for kids, all ages...So, yesterday in spite of my sore throat and headache, I went outside with our girl and enjoyed some vitamin D, that does not come often during winter time in Iceland. She enojyed it as well, she was riding in a snow sledge that we got from Raggi's parents. She was singing and quite happy.

Then we went to some playground and I took some pictures.

Here you can see a little bit of the city of Kopavogur, the Tower, some other buildings.
And here is a short video of her palying in the snow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Last week of January

So, the New Year has arrived, was a great celebration.

Now, the month of January is almost over. Time goes fast. Financial crisis is still on in Iceland, people are protesting and I hope it brings some change to the politics of Iceland.
We are doing fine, girl is growing, learning some new words. We have got her a new bed that will last her for at least 5 year, I hope and she has been sleeping there for two nights. Well, she does not sleep in her new bed through the whole night yet, but we hope soon she will :)
Yesterday we had a visit form Raggi's aunt and his brother. It happened that Raggi and his brother Ingvar were wearing the sweaters that their Mom got them, so they almost looked like twins :)

Here is the photo of them:

Int he background, there is a painting by my Mom.
And here is a fresh picture of Tamara Lind, Jon Aron, her older brother put her in his sweatshirt, and she enjoyed it a lot:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmases are over for some time :)

So....the new year has started, the Russian Christmas is over. We can embrace the New Year with all of our open hearts.

It was a great time, lots of good food, relaxation time and singing in the Russian church as well. I want to say thank you to all of my friends who are so nice and always send us their greetings and nice Christmas cards.
A Serbian bishop who resides in Stockholm, came to present a special service on the 6th of January, at 19.00, so we took Tamara Lind to church with us since kids were supposed to get some presents...I was a little bit worried about her behaviour but it turned out - I was worried for nothing. She behaved so well...quite a nice surprise to her parents. She even was singing a little bit when our choir was performing. I was holding her and I admit, was a little bit difficult to hold her and to sing, but I managed...So, it was great.

Here I have some photos from the Christmas celebration at my Mom's house. Here is Raggi and Tamara Lind, then myself and her again :)

Then, a picture of a sweet couple, who got engaged over Christmas time.

And that was Tamara trying to play the Russian dudochka :)