Monday, December 3, 2007

Elections in Russia. How we did it in Iceland

Finally...another elections came and gone while I am still here in Iceland. This time, though I did not get a call from the consulate about the elections...I guess they figured out since I have been here for some time, I need to stay a responsbile Russian citizen and come to vote no matter what..

So, we went to vote, my grandmother and I. daughter came as well and Raggi as observers.... So...what can I say - grandma was not impressed with the building of the Russian Consulate, too simple...Some people tried to speak to Raggi in Icelandic but he could not understand them... I did show off my cute girl.... :)

Grandma voted for Putin, justifying it by the fact that he rose her pension...Since I did not get any raise from Putin, so I just voted for old Communist party, being once a Komsomol member....Trying to remember the past, how fun it was, for some of us at least :)

But in spite of everything...Putin won (who I wonder doubted that....) so the new period...or the continuation of the previous is ahead of Russia...Does not make a difference to me I guess since I am not there....

Party of Kasparov ( was not represented in the can we say?

But, at least it was a nice day here in Iceland...sunny and warm and in a Christmas spirit....


Yuri Suturin said...

Sis, just curious, if you not gonna spend any more time in Russia and do not have much connections - why do you feel responsible for elections in Russia? You believe they are honest?

Unknown said...

no bro...i dont believe that they are is just fun for us - you come to the Russian consulate and vote...I mean...I am still a citizen of Russia...I need to stay responsble...