Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas is near us...

So..finally...the big holidays are almost here....I wish all the stress would be gone now...need to learn how to relax....
Our girl is 6 months old...That is so great..She is so lively and it is so much fun to show her of... :)

We went to a Christmas Party at Raggi's work...Was great. Tamara Lind was not afraid of an Icelandic Santa Claus...they can be scary, you know...

So, now all we have to do is to buy some food so we will not starve during 5 days of straight holidays....finish packing some gifts and just enjoy the season of holidays and time of sharing the joy with the ones we love...

1 comment:

alaskamommy said...

Marina, your little girl is so sweet! She has a very expressive face, and I can tell she's well loved. I enjoyed looking at the pictures on Flickr. Merry Christmas from Alaska!