Friday, September 7, 2007

Night out in the evening I went out for dinner with my co-workers. It was the first time out since I gave birth to my little baby girl. One of the co-worker was leaving our company so we had a farewell party for him. Actually we just went to a nice restaurant called "Seafood Cellar" (Sjávakjallarinnn)- one of the best in Reykjavik.

So..of course it was difficult to leave my girl with the Daddy for 3 hours but somehow I managed it...I was thinking about her all the time and was looking on the phone waiting for the call from him saying that there is a big crisis and that I have to come home..But then I managed to relax a little bit. I do know that I need to have time for myself so I need to learn to leave the girl for a little bit.

Dinner was great...However I only had a limited time so I only stayed through the first course - but eve that meal was great...Here you can see the picture of the first course. In the middle of the picture - "toby beef" from Japan - supposedly this meat is from the bulls that are fed with beer and massaged twice a day to make meat very tender :) It was great beef, I have to say.

Then, I had to leave back to my girl since her Daddy was getting a little bit worried....So I ran to my car and drove quickly home just to find Daddy and the girl quite happy together...So, the first Daddy-daughter time turned out well....

My friend who stayed at the party sent me some cool pictures of the desert that was served at the end...So, here is another picture. It almost looks like something out of space :)


Rachel said...

That meal looks so amazing..What fun. It is always very hard for me too to leave my little baby. As they get older and more obnoxious it gets easier..ha ha..I am glad your little Tamara has such a good daddy to take care of her. Any recent photo updates?

Rachel said...

How do you know Magnus? He sounds cool. Why is he traveling so much? The Ethiopia posts are so interesting.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the comments!!!

there are some photos updated on - there is a link to it - badge on the page on the right side...

Magnus used to work for our company so that's how I met him, then got his MBA in London and went on a you can tell. He travels for his work and just as a hobby I guess...