Friday, August 10, 2007

Grandma comes to Iceland

So..we did it! We have invited our granny to come and stay in Iceland for some time. She is 82 years old and for her, it was a first trip abroad ever.

Of course we did not send her alone on that journey, we had some trusted people to do that.

So, she is here now, enjoying the land, saying that it is a paradise on earth...

So..we better enjoy our life as it is.
But I guess I always liked it here and will be staying for some time now until our little girl will get a little bit bigger.

It is pretty our land of ice and fire.

1 comment:

alaskamommy said...


Congratulations on your pretty baby girl! I would love to see some more photos of her, and it would be even better to see the four generations together. How wonderful that your grandmother can come to visit. You can see pictures of my little ones on my blog All the best - Ruth