Tuesday, August 28, 2007

10 weeks


Time flies fast...Today...my little girl is 71 days old already..

She can do lots of staff...Smile, speak (in her own baby talk, of course), even fall asleep without Mom help...play with some toys and raise her head..etc.

So..I guess it is all going well and good according to the nurse that we have visited last week. And another good news - I don't have that depression that some women get when they have a child...Well...

Of course I am tired and lacking some sleep but I am so happy and full of joy that it covers that all tiring feelings. Of course, my house in not in the best condition that I would like it to be...but still it is rather good and there it no need for inviting people from the show on "How Clean is your House?"


Anonymous said...

So thrilled to see your little girl-wish I was there to hold her! Perhaps in the future we shall try for a stopover in Iceland. We are so glad for you to have such a healthy baby-tell your mom to email her feelings about being a grandmother to 3 little girls! I have her beat with our 4 girls and 1 little guy.
Love from Brenda & Phil

Unknown said...

Thank you Brenda for a wonderful comment! It is great to hear from you and know that you are well! We will love to have you here in Iceland for a visit...anytime!