Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Four days with Grandma

So...Here it was..My Mom and her husband went on a trip to the West Fjords for 5 days, my dear man/husband-to-be left to Akureyri (north of the country) for an exciting diving trip for a weekend and I was left alone to take care of the granny and plus my own daugther of 8 weeks old :)

So...I have to say it was a challenge at times but I think I did well...Of course there is a great gap between the generations and plus I had to explain everything to the grandma on how things work in the house - everything is so new to her in this social democracy world of Iceland which for now is represented by the little island of my Mom's house to her...WE have not taken granny to the downtown of Reykjavik yet shameless to say...

Luckily, my Mom has a satellite dish which provides some Russian channels so we can still face the reality of the Russian life - luckily only on television. But the greatest task is to teach grandma how to use the remote control and to change the channels...etc. We have accomplished 50% of it so far.

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