Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just rain

It happenned....summer is officially over in Iceland :(

The weather forecast for next seven days is rain, rain, and more rain....The sky will get more darker, nights will become longer...but then the Christmas will be coming...Yes....Since here is Iceland, there is just Summer and then suddenly comes winter...nothing really in between.

But for now - this is how it looks right now outside of our balcony:

But..on the other hand, we were quite lucky with the summer weather this year...Very! And everything is still is green!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

10 weeks


Time flies little girl is 71 days old already..

She can do lots of staff...Smile, speak (in her own baby talk, of course), even fall asleep without Mom with some toys and raise her head..etc.

So..I guess it is all going well and good according to the nurse that we have visited last week. And another good news - I don't have that depression that some women get when they have a child...Well...

Of course I am tired and lacking some sleep but I am so happy and full of joy that it covers that all tiring feelings. Of course, my house in not in the best condition that I would like it to be...but still it is rather good and there it no need for inviting people from the show on "How Clean is your House?"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Seeing people with the new daugther

We have started to go out to see people with my little girl..

Lately I have been busy with visitors..and it is good, helps you to stay updated with all the gossips, etc. But a visit to a Russian grandmother is a must!

So, here are some fresh pictures - the first one is from the left - Oli´s parents, my Mom and my girl, myself and Raggi..the father...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Four days with Grandma

So...Here it was..My Mom and her husband went on a trip to the West Fjords for 5 days, my dear man/husband-to-be left to Akureyri (north of the country) for an exciting diving trip for a weekend and I was left alone to take care of the granny and plus my own daugther of 8 weeks old :)

So...I have to say it was a challenge at times but I think I did well...Of course there is a great gap between the generations and plus I had to explain everything to the grandma on how things work in the house - everything is so new to her in this social democracy world of Iceland which for now is represented by the little island of my Mom's house to her...WE have not taken granny to the downtown of Reykjavik yet shameless to say...

Luckily, my Mom has a satellite dish which provides some Russian channels so we can still face the reality of the Russian life - luckily only on television. But the greatest task is to teach grandma how to use the remote control and to change the channels...etc. We have accomplished 50% of it so far.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Grandma comes to Iceland

So..we did it! We have invited our granny to come and stay in Iceland for some time. She is 82 years old and for her, it was a first trip abroad ever.

Of course we did not send her alone on that journey, we had some trusted people to do that.

So, she is here now, enjoying the land, saying that it is a paradise on earth...

So..we better enjoy our life as it is.
But I guess I always liked it here and will be staying for some time now until our little girl will get a little bit bigger.

It is pretty our land of ice and fire.