Friday, November 30, 2012

Eldar Leo 18 months old / Eldar Leó at a glance...

So, wanted to write about Eldar for a while now...finally got the laziness away from my body and got down to it!

So, here he is, our cute Eldar Leo at a glance together with his Daddy:

So, the boy is 18 months old, well almost 19 months after 10 days :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tamara Lind at a glance

So...since I am not updating Tamara's journal on her growth, etc...then better to add something here so it would be fun to read after 5 years time :)

Here is the picture of Tamara that I took today, on November 6th before going to kindergarten:

Tamara was putting away this Lotta toy - some kindergarten game they have - each of the kid can get this Lotta (a rabbit toy) to take home for one night - and spend time playing, dressing, or whatever they want ..and there is also a notebook where a parent writes on what happened during the day and the child paints, puts stickers...or something else....Lotta has some clothes and also a sleeping bag. We have also given her a cute hat!