Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Vacation is over

So, our vacation has finished for a moment...we will have some more of course...at least a Christmas one...will be coming soon...hehe

So, time on Crete was great. WE enjoyed it, the girl took some time to adopt to a rather high temperature but then it was fine. We swam in the sea, sunbathed and ate lots of fruits...so, Marina's program for the vacation was fulfilled :)

Here are some cute pictures of us...
Tamara Lind's posing for Daddy:

An evening in Xania:
So..for now, we are enjoying the time in Iceland, our home and looking forward to a new vacation...thought have not decided yet where :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That looks so nice. Can I be your nanny on your next vacation?? ha ha I love the look of the street. The old world look of it. Here in So Cal we don't have stuff like that. We do have old Spanish missions and mexican stuff, but no old streets like that. I think they look so wonderful. Maybe in person they aren't that great, but since I have never seen them they seem really wonderful.