Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An update of a girl's well being

Time is flying fast as always and our girl will be 15 months in 2 days and her Mom will be 34 years old after 4 days....Wow...life is taking it's turn....
So, the girl is walking, running, not jumping yet though :), dancing, singing, playing piano in her own way and talking her own way too...plus some words in Icelandic, very few though yet.

While I am typing on the computer and listening to the Icelandic singer Bubbi, she is hanging around me, checking the cables:

Her teeth are coming out all the time almost now, with some small intervals. She had some bad days, when 4 teeth were coming out at the same time...it was not a fun time. Now it is all right for a moment.

The other day we had bought her some cool winter boots. All children clothes here in Iceland are so outrageously expensive and the boots were not exception either.

So, here is the picture of the cool expensive boots:
While I was taking a picture of her boots, she was happy that she could sneak out and take something while I was not watching her, so she stole a mouse pad and was eating it:

I speak Russian to her and she understands everything, and when Raggi asks her the same things in Icelandic, she understand them too..it is amazing...

So...from now on I will try to update the blog at least once a week and see how it goes:)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

The boots are cute. Would it be cheaper to order from a US company and have it shipped. REI sells really nice outdoor kids stuff. That is great that the baby is bilingual. Maybe if your mom speaks to her in English she will be trilingual. Or maybe just confused. :) Remember when Ruth and I were obnoxious and would repeat funny things you said. You would get mad and yell "Don't repeat". I am so sorry we were so rude.