Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Social networking time that I put an entry into the journal - was long long time ago...Not good...I admit Facebooking is taking my attention so...I will try from now on to update a journal at least once a week...

So...what is new?
Baby boy is not a baby boy anymore but becoming a toddler - already 13 months old.
Here is the picture from celebration of his BD on May 10th...

Tamara Lind is now 5 years old. I had a nice party organized for her birthday on June 18th.

 We have chosen the Princess theme this year, etc. (Last year it was all about Hello Kitty). Took some time to do some research on themes, decorations, games and other preparations...

Spent lots of money on decorations, ingredients for the cake, etc. Here are some photos...

This is the cake that we created with Raggi. He did the flags..I did the rest.

Here is another side...Cake was nice. tasted great, etc. However, one of the girls tried it and did not like it...Said it was all the rest of the girls did not want to eat any more of it...
Of course - i was disappointed...I tried not to take it close up personal...But still it left a sour feeling...

Here is the princess herself - new outfit - dress created by a talented grandma Tamara...wings and tiara - new, bought by dearest Mommy :)

The beautiful decorated table.
 Morning of Tamara Lind's BD....We filled the room with the balloons...

 Eldar Leó is participating too...

Mom the Queen, daughter the Princess....

So...on the overall picture, the BD celebration went well...But maybe considering all the emotional and financial costs involved, next year maybe we will just order time at "Adventure Club" for kids and have the celebration there...

What else - today we went to apply for the passport for Eldar Leó for our upcoming vacation trip to Spain in July for 2 weeks...Passport for kids and elderly is much cheaper than for adults. Wait is 2 weeks,hope to get it in the beginning of July :)

That's all for today...


Anonymous said...

Cutie pies! The cake looks great! Birthday parties are hard work, huh? I just had a really simple one for Elinóra this year.

Anonymous said...

Cutie pies! The cake looks great! Birthday parties are hard work, huh? I just had a really simple one for Elinóra this year.

Unknown said...

Thanks!!!! yes indeed...BD parties are hard, you plan, you buy things, you prepare and then...all is over in short hours :)