Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A choir retreat to a summer house

So...finally, we did something together again with our international choir "Manasija". We have been rehearsing for two times a week now for about two months already, we are preparing for the Palm Sunday service and the Orthodox Easter service....Just to boost ourselves, we decided to get away from the metropolitan city of Reykjavik and go to the country/summer house...

It was a great idea - to get everyone together, relax, sing, eat and socialize....A little bit hard when you have 2 girls of almost 22 months old and a boy who is almost 9 months old...But as usual, mothers take care of the kids and fathers are having fun...But anyways, it was nice to get away, enjoy the scenery and the nature....We rented two summer houses on the lake, right on the lake, there were some green trees around our house and it reminded me of "Twilight", so it made my day :)

Here we are having fun with Tamara (there is a lake in the background):

It was mostly raining all the time, only once we had a chance to be outside for half an hour...then it started to snow and rain at the same time :)

And here is a cute picture of Tamara...

As you can see, snow is gone but the green grass is yet to, things are kind of gray for now...but it is light and still Spring is in the air!


Rachel said...

wow that table looks like something out of a fairytale or The Hobbit. I love the video of Tamara's teeth brushing.

daughterofGod said...

So great to see your little girl growing up-what a blessing the internet is! I need your brother's email/phone as we are again in his town.