Friday, April 18, 2008

A ten-month old anniversary!

So..the day has arrived..our girl is 10 months old...Just only after 2 more months we will be celebrating a big 1-year old birthday...
This is how she looks when she is sleeping: very cute:

Then, when she is awake, she is looking pretty cute too...playing with the tape :)
She is taking that task very seriously...

Then, the most recent picture that was taken today - I tried to make her stand up but she was so involved in trying to get some cable out of the computer...

So, then finally she just sat down a little bit and I managed to take a better picture...But there is something wrong with the server at the moment so I cannot upload it..just be patient and I will set it later tonight I hope...

1 comment:

daughterofGod said...

Great pics of your special little one. Would love to see her! Please have mom email us again-we are in M-town and are very busy. Would love to contact Yuri.