Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Internet Obsession, girl's standing, 8th of March...

I have not been updating my blog lately since I got into a rather new social network for me, the FACEBOOK....yes, I have finally discovered it and am now spending a lot of time there...

First, I was just into the Russian social network - which is a complete copycat of Facebook, but the Russian version - Вконтакте (Vkontakte)....So, I joined in but was rather passive..Then I decided to try FACEBOOK...and let me tell is much better than the Russian version....Well, as they say, the original is always much better....

So..of course, I am trying to compete and see how many friends I can get..but I am in the low profile...Some of my friends already hit the limit of 100 friends....!!! So. there is always room for improvement...

Some other great news...
Our girl has started to stand up...She is using everything which can be used to support herself while standing up..And from that position she can sit herself is so cute and so great...I am proud of her!

We have got a new nanny, she takes care of our girl for the first half of the day...A Russian woman (well, actually, she is from Moldova) of a grandmother's age, but looks like maybe she is 60...But she is very good and our girl seems to enjoy her company...So, we are very lucky to find that nanny and lucky that our girl likes her as well....

So...Easter is coming...but first, as always - the International Woman's Day...The 8th of March...

So...Happy Holidays and a great beginning of a SPRING!!!!!

1 comment:

daughterofGod said...

So very glad to see pics of you with your special little one. Please have your mother email me as we are going to Moscow in April.