Friday, December 14, 2012

Middle of December and other things...

So, Christmas is only 10 days away....scary! least, I have already bought most of the presents, have sent the Christmas cards abroad, got news dresses for Tamara and myself for Christmas, main dish for Christmas Eve is taken care of the important staff is finished...

But if you think of that, actually all those things are a part of the Christmas - buying and packing the gifts, making lists, cleaning the house, planning the dinner, so...the only way to get through all of it is just to embrace it and enjoy it!

Anyways....Tamara Lind lost her second tooth yesterday. So, she told us that the day/night will be the happiest for her since she would get a visit from the tooth fairy and also from one of the Icelandic yule lads :) Fun fun...Though, sometimes, I get sooo frustrated with how much she is concentrated on the things that she wants to get, what she has and what she does not have....well...what can we do? This is the era of consumerism...I was probably behaving the same way when I was little...

Tomorrow is the New Year celebration for kids at the Russian Embassy, so will be some gathering. Then, for Icelandic Christmas celebration, there was something organized at Flensborg school but Tamara refused to go there with her granny. She only wants to go with her Dad to his work for annual Christmas celebration there.....

So, Mom and Oli finally made it safely to the other part of the world, Australia.