Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer is almost over

So..vacation is over...Two weeks in July in Spain went by too fast :)

It was quite a nice relaxing holiday. Hotel / apartamentos were nice. Food half board was excellent. Beach was just 300 meters away. There were ways sometimes a little bit too much but still sun was available most of the time to be enjoyed :)

Flight to Almeria from Iceland was about 4,5 hours. Kids behaved all right. No major crisis.
On the way back it was a little bit more difficult. Tamara was difficult, demanding this and that...Eldar was cranky and wanted to walk all the time..So...Conclusion - next time summer travel will be in two years...So I can rest as well...

Here are some pictures:

This is the view from the hotel room - nice swimming pool.

Here is Eldar LeĆ³ enjoying the water melon on our balcony. We ate quite a lot of them :)

Tamara Lind is trying to eat hew dinner. Usually it took us at least ah hour to eat dinner..First half an hour she was playing with whatever she found on the table, then she was eating very fast, and after she was finished with her food, she was allowed to eat ice-cream - it was a selection every cream, sauces for it and little candies...Paradise for kids....

Our last evening - we went for a walk on the promenade and dropped in some hotel to take a picture...During the vacation time our schedule shifted a little bit :) Tamara went to be late, we were eating dinner late...And usually tried to go for an evening walk on the beach promenade...Was nice...

So...can't wait for a next holiday season / in two years...Hopefully Iceland will resume its routes to Greek islands...