Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Who we are....

I have found this through a friend on the Facebook, in Russian, and decided to translate it in English and add to my journal so the English speaking people would be also read this and enjoy/criticize or comment:). Also, I am adding some of my comments as well just to make it more fun…Comments by a Russian residing in Iceland…

(Taken from the Business Journal, here is a link)

A Canadian, a teacher of English language, residing in Moscow, made these interesting observations.

1. Russians do not trust cheap things. True

2. An English word “bargain” cannot be translated adequately into Russian language. True

3. Despite the fact that Russians do not trust cheap things, they still love “free lunch”. Very true to Americans and Icelanders as well!

4. A Russian person, who has acquired a certain level of power, feels that it is his/her responsibility to press those who are below him/her.

5. In Russia, it is common to call for a lazy waitress by referring to her with an aggressive scream “Devushka”!

6. It is necessary to have good skills of working with your elbows while using Moscow subway system.

7. In Russia, you can drink beer seating on a bench in a park without being arrested (probably not anymore due to some new laws on beer…)

8. Russians love to get together in the kitchen and talk late about “life”. Very true

9. Russians usually avoid talking about work.

10. During any meeting or some gathering in Russia, people usually split right away according to the gender.

11. There are lots of policemen in Russia, most of which don’t do anything.

12. Russians don’t throw away anything. Never.

13. However, if a Russian throws half of his things, nobody will notice.

14. A stranger usually refers to you by a “man” or a “woman”.

15. It is not customary to say “thank you” and “please” among Russians. True indeed

16. A Russian saying “Impudence – is a second happiness (in life)” cannot be translated into English adequately.

17. Russians drink lost of vodka. It is not a myth.

18. You don’t have to be afraid for your life while walking in Moscow at night time.

19. Russian men believe that feminism caused the collapse of the West and the historical mission of Russia is to resist.

20. Myth about myth: Russians believe that Americans think that bears walk on streets of Moscow. But that myth is just a pure Russian invention. In reality, Americans think that all bears in Russia are long dead. Very funny

21. Russians completely do not comprehend when a foreigner from the West comes to have a permanent residence in Russia. Very true..cannot understand…

22. Dentists in Russia are surprised when you come just for a routine check-up. The same goes for doctors.

23. Russians drink tea with a whole centimeter of sugar on the bottom of the cup. Very true, have nknown people like that…

24. All Russians, from youth to old, abuse the usage of smiley. J Very true, love using it!

25. Number of parenthesis in email message or in SMS relates to the importance of the message. E.g., “Birthday celebration is tonight)” means simple birthday, but “Birthday celebration is tonight ))))))” – means something fabulous and fantastic. Not sure..

26. Moscow has the best subway system in the world. Probably…

27. Despite the best subway system in the world, there are million of Muscovites that refuse to use it and spend half of their lives in traffic jams.

28. Russians will use any little excuse in order to offer chocolate – “your birthday is in 4 months? Wow….Chocolate for everybody!” Not sure about that..

29. People who speak other language than Russian automatically become suspicious.

30. Don’t be surprised if you are invited to a New Year’s celebration at 11.30 PM. They drink champagne, cognac; eat herring salad, salad “olivje” in the kitchen and then, the celebration lasts for another 3 days. Very true!

31. The only alcohol-free zone in Moscow – McDonald’s.
32. A smile without the reason makes Russians angry. Very true!

33. Borsch, golubtsu and pirogi are actually Ukrainian food.

34. Russians do not put their older parents into homes for elderly and do not send their kids away when they are 18, instead, they all live together in one-room apartment.

35. Despite the fact that the roads are narrow and horrible traffic jams, Russians still buy gigantic jeeps.

36. Sushi is more popular in Russia than in Japan.

37. In fact, Japan is more popular in Russia than in Japan itself.

38. Russians are very friendly, if you only know then for 10 minutes. If you know some Russian for at least a week, then you will get invited to his house and be introduced to his family. Very true

39. Russians are quite emotional and passionate people, even though they do not show emotions in public, they cry, laugh and scream and play more than Italians.

40. Russians are much more concerned about the philosophical side of life than the material side. They have songs for any life situation. True indeed.

41. Most of Russians are quite superstitious, and superstition is in fashion among the young. True indeed..I am one of them…

42. Russians are passionate lovers, in public places they argue like bitter enemies and kiss and hug as porno stars.

43. Russians love to criticize its own country, but are awfully offended when a foreigner does that.

44. If a cashier did not break anything during scanning of your groceries, then you got a good service.

45. Russians love McDonald’s, KFC, Subway and Burger King more than Americans.

46. Russians spoil their children and then hope that when the kids are 18 they magically start behaving accordingly.

47. Even if Russians eat more fast food than people in the West, Russians are still healthier.

48. Russians cannot maneuver while backing up. An average Russian driver may take up to 10 minutes in order to make a parallel parking. True, it took me time to learn how to do it well in the States…

49. Winter in Russian is indeed beautiful and Russians fantastically drive cars in the winter conditions. True indeed
50. In reality, Russians are freer than people in the West; there are less laws here and social limitations, and still, the crime level is lower than in the
USA or the UK. Not sure now…