Friday, May 8, 2009

An update…

Spring is here in Iceland… is supposed to be summer already since we did have the first day of summer already on April 21st…it was warm last week but this week it is cold and feels like winter, anyways…

Last week Raggi and I went to Akureyri – with the choir to sing in the church for an orthodox special service – Easter…It went well…We left our daughter with my Mom, since we did not want to ride with her for about 400 km each way; it was the first time to leave her for two days .

Here is the choir signing:

Here is the most of our group in front of the van that we rented to drive to Akureyri and Raggi was driving it since he has license to drive 12 passengers.

A husband of one girl from the choir works for the ice cream company, so he invited us to visit the warehouse and offered us ice was great!

Then, more updates with pictures...

We went to the wedding of a friend in April, here are some photos:

Tamara was behaving all right in the church...for the reception we left her home with the baby-sitter.

The party is starting...

With the bride at the reception.