Thursday, October 16, 2008

Iceland in crisis

Just a little update to the world - we are still surviving...'s all about the financial crisis...In Russia, in the US, and of course, in the little country of Iceland.

It is weird how bad news always travel the fastest...I have friends from all over the world, from some far away places like Kamchatka :) asking me if I am planning to leave Iceland, since the situation is not good any more...

But luckily, I am taking it well and try to not take it too closely. We are surviving, we did not have any shares in those banks that almost went bankrupt...I do though have a savings pension fund there but it is insured by the government, so no big worries...

The only big problem is that if someone wants to take some currency out of the bank, US dollars or Euros, it is not possible at the moment...banks just don't have it....

Of course, I could never have imagined that after surviving the crisis in Soviet Union, and then Russia...I would witness something similar...well....Economy is bringing us some unpleasant surprises...

Some people say that it might get worse, so we just wait and see....meanwhile, we will try to live and be happy with only just what we have at the moment.