Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trip to Blue Lagoon

Finally...yesterday we had a chance to enjoy once again one of the prettiest and fun place in Iceland, the Blue Lagoon.
Last year, Raggi has won a gift certificate for the restaurant in the Blue Lagoon, so we finally decided to use it. Our girl is still too small to enjoy the Blue Lagoon but is big enough to stay with the trusted babysitter, so we were lucky and used the time to have some "couple time".

It was not a great outdoor day but still, was good to go away for a while and do something different...So, here are some photos...

Then, after we were done bathing there, we went to a restaurant to enjoy the wonderful meal.
The background looks cool - almost like the snow...but it is actully water and part of the Blue Lagoon itself...It was a little bit foggy and rainy.

Here is one of the latest picture of our girl who is exactly 11 months old today. She did three steps on her own yesterday, a miracle...great...she will be running soon...

Singing with Vladimir Milller

So..last Sunday on May 11th, I had a great experience of singing the Liturgy church service with one of the great professional Russian singers - Vladimir Miller, you can find all the info about him here.

He came to Iceland to sing with the Icelandic choir, he wanted to check out the service in our church, so I picked him up and we went to the service. I was hoping that there would be more people from our choir "Manasija" (Choir Manasjia) but unfortunately only one person showed up later during the service...

So, it was Vladimir and I singing, I was singing alto voice and he was singing basso was fun, as he described it later to me :). I was a little bit nervous while singing but then it was a great experience for me as well. He was surprised to meet so many Russian people here and was happy to have a chance to participate in the Russian church service.