Sunday, February 3, 2008

Just another Sunday

Just another day in Iceland wonderland....

Here in Iceland, if people have nothing to talk about, they usually talk about weather...
So, I have really nothing to say today but did feel like I should update and write something, so I will write about the weather and then maybe my thoughts will form in my head for writing something more fun....

Lately we have had some real winter was cold, -12 C..... But now it warmed up a little bit...But they promise lots of snow again starting next week...So, lots of snow means that when I go out of the house to my car and drive to work, I first has to clean the car, defreeze the windows and be tired of it at this point and not looking forward to snow.....

But, it is February already and then March - the Easter holidays...yeah..and then close to summer....So....I hope that since the winter is snowy and cold, then summer will be dry and hot :)