Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

The day that I have been waiting for has arrived and gone already and I have not written about it do it now...

Christmas celebration...I was very excited and happy to celebrate this time of the year - for the first time with our daughter....
It was nice and cheerful, we dressed her in a cute outfit that Daddy got her in Denmark...

We had a dinner on Christmas Eve with my side of the family, so went to my Mom's house in the evening.

Then opened the presents. Most of the presents were given to Tamara Lind, of course....And the lucky mother got to open them all :)

I was lucky as well and got some nice gifts...

Next day - we went for a dinner again and had some more extended family quality time. Tomusik (this is how I call her in Russian) had fun and enjoyed spending time with her aunts and uncles...

But first she enjoyed the nap time sleeping outside in a normal Icelandic weather:

Hope that all of you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to summer now...We are!