Monday, July 30, 2007

6 weeks - that is how old our little girl today

yes..I am a proud mother!
A great feeling that I cannot even compare to anything....I knew that I always wanted to have a baby..a girl...and I got blessed!

So, now the great task is to bring her up...Another challenge :) But I have strength and faith in myself and my man so we will bring up a great citizen :) to this civilization

On the other not so happy note -

- a crazy thing in Reykjavik happened - a man got shot in the middle of the day on the road while he was changing a tire....It is some kind of jealousy revenge..Since the shooter shot himself afterwards when he drove to Þingvellir....So...even streets of Reyakjvik are not so safe anymore...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

OK..just checking many blog pages I can have... looks like one can have as many as one desires :)

So..maybe from now on I should just try to use that web page...

I like how it looks and how it works..and it is for free and contains no least for now...dont know what will be in the future... I come..hello the world of more last!

P.S. on the picture - myself in person enjoying the ice cream during one of thouse few sunny days that we have on that pittle island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean....